’s clinic has morphed from pain & rehab based for all ages to working with a range of complex cases such as children with global developmental delay and non-verbal autism to children at regular schools with dyslexia or ADHD to babies who have had significant trauma. Some children have Intensives; 6-10 appointments in a week, they may travel from abroad, others every 3-4 weeks. There are no strict treatment intensity protocols, Darren believes in providing therapies and home exercises at an intensity the family can cope with.
His interest in Developmental Neurology has grown over the 29 years he’s been a chiropractor, becoming more of a passion when he became a Dad.
His post-graduate learning has been through the Carrick Institute . The Institute of Functional Medicine and International Association of Functional Neurology & Rehabilitation.
This was rather chiropractic focused, to broaden his understanding of how children learn and the different therapies that are helping them he has taken CPD provided by Vision Specialists, Educational Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Audiologists, Speech & Language and Developmental Therapists.
He started teaching 14 years ago with the aim of making neurology as simple and relevant to your practice as possible - so you can use it. He has been invited to teach his Developing Brains Seminars in 12 countries to Chiro’s, Osteo’s, Physio’s, OT’s, SPLT’s, Paediatricians, Medical Dr’s, Neurologists & Psychologists. Each person leaves with more understanding and more options to implement their interventions.
For the last 2 years he has the additional role of Director of Academic Affairs for Paediatric & Pregnancy Faculty, Royal College of Chiropractors, developing competencies for chiropractors who want to learn more about how to treat children. His clinic is in Lincoln UK, where he lives with his wife and four children.