Event Details
1 CPD hour
In the USA in 2006 there were 350,000 tele-visits to doctors. By 2021 that number grew to 1 Billion televisits. 20.4% of all cell phone owners have a health app specifically recommended to them by their medical doctor for purposes of managing their care. Plus, 75% of hospitals use health-related apps to manage patient's health decisions and over 50% of patients visiting these hospitals are enrolled in a Remote Patient Management (RPM) programs. This is becoming a worldwide trend. In short, medicine is now in your patients' living rooms, offices and bedrooms.
Culturally medicine has a 24/7 relationship with consumers even if the consumer doesn't see a doctor for a personal visit. Comparatively, a chiropractor's whole relationship with a patient is crammed into a 15-minute visit once or twice a month. In this session, we'll explore the use of AI and rebranding chiropractic to build lifetime relationships with patients, other healthcare providers and researchers.
Dr. Riekeman will coverโฆ
1- Rebranding Chiropractic as a Neuro-based professionโฆ
Chiropractic provides a continuum of neuro-based care from minor easily corrected spinal problems to more complicated long-standing VSC presentations to neurological trauma victims requiring functional neurology and high-tech equipment for brain retraining. We will show cases, research and how AI can impact patient care and professional branding/dialogues.
2 - Patient Relationships and Wellness Care Protocolsโฆ
Chiropractors are amazing when it comes to patient care, but generally untrained and uninterested when it comes to building professional lifetime relationships with patients. We will discuss how to gain the cultural authority for recognition as a patient's lifetime naturalistic doctor.
3 - AI in a DC's practiceโฆ.
We will demonstrate several AI technologies you can use in practice including the MLiQ app.